
Hear From Others Who Have Transformed Their Lives


The process is really simple, yet life-changing. It really requires one to take charge of it, for you are really the master of your own destiny. The process reinforces that.

Before I came here I was absolutely, utterly lost. It was by sheer grace that I happened to find Sue. I have found new energy to make something good of my life.

Sue is such a calm, reassuring person not getting upset by anything, and totally focused on helping and coaching lost souls back to their purpose and finding meaning in their lives.


Sue coached me through full process of Life Transformation. I had a lot of beliefs and negative emotional patterns that came through conditioning. Did my training TLC myself, but needed someone who could take me through whole process efficiently and objectively finding the beliefs or hidden suppressed emotions that were part of my childhood conditioning. There were basically 3 cycles in my life of repeated covert emotional and mental abuse and I had enough. This is part of the process to change and find self and build new beliefs and goals which I desire.

I experience major shifts during thirst 3 sessions and had a rest and last two session completed the process. She effectively coached and eliminated hidden emotion and I can feel even in physical body major change had occurred. Sue was like fresh water to a messy body to me and I am thankful that I had found her so close to me.


When I first came to see Sue I was feeling small, grey, contracted and stuck in resentment.

I wanted to change but didn’t know how. Old tools didn’t seem to work anymore.

Sue’s process of clearing old beliefs and negative emotions has left me feeling lighter and so much more receptive to the inner work I need to do.

I feel able to shift negative emotions much more quickly, I can access joy much more easily and I feel lighter and able to connect with a positive vision for my life which has been very difficult in the past years.

I feel excited for what the future holds, I know I have work to do but I feel much more equipped to create the life I want and empowered to do so.

Sue’s kind, compassionate yet strong guidance was a gift and I look forward to continuing my transformation!


The work with Sue was life changing. I came in with a scattered mind, no direction and a lost overall person. Working through everything helped me understand how I got to where I was and equipt me with what I needed to do to get where I wanted to go. The work very much depended on the energy and effort I chose to put in. And to my delight it is all worth it!  I am so grategul to have met Sue and done this course! I would definitely recommend anyone needing clarity in their life to do this course.


Sue provides a very challenging, but ultimately rewarding experience. As a person coming with years of “self-development’ experience behind me, I knew a lot “in theory”and undersood things intellectually, but couldn’t quite break down the limiting beliefs at an emotional level. I feel that this weekend has given me a greater understanding of the root causes behind what’s been holding me back and most importantly, the tools to move forward. It takes courage to embark on the weekend journey with Sue and there is much work to be done still, but I am confident that in the years to come, I will look back on this weekend as the changing point in my life.


I have a lot of baggage and bad self-talk and beliefs I have been carrying with me. I wanted to make changes for me. I am always helping others and never look at myself. This process has shown me how and how important I am. Sue you helped me toss out a whole heap of bad elements. It was hard work, but liberating at the end. This has been the best thing I could have possible done for myself. I have found the true me, the changed me, and it’s super exciting to meet her.

My chocolate chicken will never quite taste the same again.

Greatest gratitude


WOW. Ek het regtig baie geleer in die 4 dae wat hier was by Sue. Aan die begin maar baie twyfel gehad en nie gedink dat daar is meer vir enige iets nie, maar die kans gevat op Transformation Coaching. Ek bly ek het. Baie interesant en baie amazing  journey. Hoe jy dink en hoe om positief te wees en hoe om basiese tegnieke te gebruik om meer positief te wees en ander uitkyk op lewe te he. Life coaching help jou om jou eie unieke denke en lewenswysis en visie en misie te verander en julle en veral Sue help en eindoel is om jou gesond te sien op regte manière sonder medikasie. Dit het my gehelp. Ek sal dit beslis aanbeveel.


While I was browsing through the website of Dr. Sue Morter, a world leader in bioenergetic medicine and a quantum field visionary, I came across the name of a South African practitioner (facilitator)., Sue Leppan. Sue is one of many people all over the world and only one of two South Africans who have completed the course in The Energy Codes ® at the Morter Institute.

This course is only one of Sue Leppan’s many credentials for doing the exceptional work that she does, but it was the one that led me to her.

I had been running a creative photography business for a number of years, but I was at a point where I felt so stuck and despondent in both my business and my life. While I was sure there must be more to life, no matter how hard I tried to change things, I could not. As a result  I was consciously looking for a process or someone to help direct me to go beyond this feeling.

Once I had found her name on the Morter Institute website, I instinctively decided to contact Sue Leppan, and we agreed to meet a few days later at her office.  I took the drive from Cape Town to visit her. We had a relaxed conversation about her work, which helped me to make a decision. There was a moment where she described the principle: “If you master your beliefs, you can master your future,” and I took note of that. I intuitively felt that I wanted to know more about this insight. I also felt safe in her company.

We subsequently decided on a time for our sessions. For me, the whole process felt carefully designed to identify subconscious blocks/beliefs in my life, to work towards an empowered self-image and to set goals to help me move forward more freely; in short, to create the life I want.

I looked forward to our sessions every day. Sue masterfully guided me through a thorough process.  There was so much to learn from her as a deeply knowledgeable person. She is spiritually conscious and, through her warm, kind and skilful facilitation, I could feel that she cared and wanted to equip me to move forward with confidence to a life that just felt so much better, without all the pain and struggles that I had carried with me for so long.

I can strongly recommend the work that Sue does to others in search of self-direction. I hope that she reaches the many people who could benefit from her remarkable work as I so richly have.


My 2,5 dae by Sue het so baie dinge vir my oopgemaak. Ek kon nie die pad vorentoe sien nie. Ek het nie geweet hoe om dit te loop nie en nou is daar lig – lig op die pad en lig in myself.

Sue se werk met my het my anders laat dink en kyk na myself en my lewe – maar dit het nie een oomblik bevoel asof dit maar net haar ‘werk’ is nie, maar dat sy my regtig op my pad wil help.

Dankie Sue – vir my lig!



I waited for this opportunity for a long time. I didn’t actually know that I was waiting, however the opportunity arose and I grabbed it. And boy was it worthwhile!

There are moments of pure joy, moments of panic and so many moments of awe-inspiring rejuvenation! Sue is a master. I feel like I’ve known her for a life time. She introduced me to the new me & I will be forever grateful! Onward and upward with gusto!


Thank you Sue for my 16 hours of transformation. I can honestly say that it has been the biggest “ride of my life” so far. Your patience, understanding, and humour has pushed all my buttons, even some I never knew I had!

The promised transformation has indeed changed the course of my life. I no longer live in the details of the past and I now am facing every day with positivity, excitement, and determination. I am amazing!

Thank you.


A few days with Sue and I have already noticed small but life altering changes in my inner world.

She has showed me that I already have and always will have everything within me to achieve and be all that I desire and need.

I feel like I have finally met me – and she is lovely!Thank you so much for the work you do for me and everyone else.


Ek het by Sue aangekom met ‘n groot frustrasie. Ek wou net “poof” uit die lewe verdwyn en was baie gefrustreerd omdat ek nie wettig kan besluit wanneer ek my lewe wil beeindig nie. Na ‘n week saam met Sue, het ek energie en lewenslus terug. Sy het my huis toe gestuur met “tools” om hierdie opwindende reis verder te stap. Ek is ewig dankbaar aan haar dat sy my visie vergroot het van 40 ° na 180 °.


Sue worked with me for an intensive two-and-a-half days. She geared the programme to my style of learning. Everything was well explained and I felt very supported and encouraged through the process. It was hard work at times but well worth it. I can feel the benefits already and I am excited about what lies ahead. A truly life-transforming experience. Thank you Sue



The way you organise this workshop is really amazing. It is simple and so powerful. I have a tendency to live with limited believe, to have a low image of myself and struggle to achieve my objective in life. These sessions with you have really turned upside down these beliefs to set me up for success. I really believe for the first time that I can achieve success and happiness in everything I set myself to achieve. I loved that I gained a better understanding of my/the subconscious mind, how the law of attraction work, that you have changed my negative emotions, and that you have given me powerful tools to apply in my daily life to set myself for success. I cannot wait to continue this work with you as I see it as the start of a new and successful journey.


Sue has changed every perspective I’ve ever had; mind, body and soul.

When I met with her for the first time, I was a shell of a person, not living, stagnant and completely negative. What I was looking for was a psychologist or psychiatrist because that is what society advises when you feel this way.

Instead I got so much more, in 3 days alone, I feel like my whole make-up and every building block has shifted or changed.

I am so appreciative and I would recommend seeing Sue no matter what state or stage you are in your life, the sooner the better!


Dearest Sue, The first time I spoke to you I was crying in a parking lot. Everything in my life was a Jenga game and if I made one wrong move, it all came crashing down. I thought I had it all figured out. I had been to psychologists, psychiatrists, taken medicines, meditated, read self-help books, taken advice from all my wonderful friends and every time … the same result … misery. You took me on a journey of love and healing like I have never experienced before. I STILL giggle when I remember the things I managed to do with your help! The most interesting thing was half the time I didn’t actually believe you. I just went with it to see what would happen. WOW! Things happened. For the first time, I didn’t feel judged. It is what it is. You are magical, powerful, intelligent, radiant, encouraging, grateful and inspiring … and now, so am I. I know what I REALLY want and I start each day thinking only of that. I no longer allow anyone to interrupt my morning “me time” while I decide what the day will bring me. I’m so excited for what my path has in store for me … good and bad … because now I have the skills to deal with all of it. I LOVE me!  There isn’t a greater gift. Thank you, thank you Sue. MORE of that please world!



A Journey of Gratitude: to Sue

A journey of many months, uncovering patterns and programmes and understanding the reason why they existed. Of trusting the process of being grateful for the professionalism, knowledge, experience and place of safety that Sue offered.

Of life-changing moments, of learning a different way of being, of being allowed to weep when it was needed and being allowed to evolve at the designated time, unknown to both of us, yet blossoming as it had to, at the Divine time. For all of this service to Mankind, I thank Sue.


After a long journey of self-help and -improvement efforts, (some more successful than others), Sue’s workshop hit the sweet spot; what I knew in theory was galvanized into practice. Self-deceptions and things never considered became clear at last unconscious beliefs and feelings were made conscious.

Investing my time and money in this intense, but enjoyable, one-on-one workshop was worth every cent, every minute and then so much more.

I feel whole, healed and complete after concluding this work with Sue and are looking forward to a bright, joyful and prosperous future.

With gratitude,


Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m super grateful for everything you taught & showed me this weekend. I was under the impression that I could teach others how to become better versions of themselves, feeling great about myself and about life. I had no idea that I had so many limiting beliefs about myself. I had no idea that I was preventing & blocking real magic in my own life. Thank you for showing me how truly magnificent I really am. Thank you guiding me through each process and giving me the tools to become a better version of myself. You are truly an amazing & committed person. You are a true beacon of light & an inspiration to society. Thank you very much.


Reconnecting with Sue again after the initial course in 2019, has helped me reflect and remember that it starts with me.

The work we did during these two days on goals has once again brought all the learning together, a realization that the work on self is important, continuous, and a life journey.

Sue has provided me with practical steps and tools I need to improve myself and achieve my goals. I am looking forward to the changes and know that my life will improve.


Sue, ek dink die idee in iemand se kop van wat hy/sy wil he en vermag in die lewe, maar nie weet hoe hy/sy daar kan uitkom nie, maak mens se siel siek. Ek het met ‘n baie siek siel Vrydag by jou kom sit en BAIE geleer oor die laaste drie dae van hoe ‘n mens beheer moet vat en ‘n ments in staat sit om dit te kan laat gebeur. Die onnodige gewig wat baie mense vir soveel jare saam hulle dra in op hulle skouers het is so onregverdig, maar die verskil nou is dat ek dit kan beheer. Nou is ek in beheer, nou skryf ek my storie en bepaal die eind resultaat wat ek soek. Elke storie kan ‘n happy ending kry wat hom/haar toekom solank jy glo en vertrou in wat jy soek en hoe jy dit soek. Dankie vir jou. Dankie dat jy my siel genees het.


Meeting Sue has been an absolute blessing in disguise in my life. Something that I desperately needed but wasn’t aware of at the time. I can honestly say that I know it is a life saver for me and as soon as I put all that I have learnt into practice my life is going into the best transformation phase for me. I am the best version of myself from now on and can only be grateful for this wonderful 3 days I got gifted to spend working with Sue.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!


Die wonder van die kursus saam met Sue is dat sy my gehelp het om myself geleer en verstaan. Sy het geen opinies of sienswyses van haar op my afgedwing nie. Dit wat ek oor myself gelee ren verstaan kom van myself.

Dit was ‘n wonderlike openbaring.

Baie Dankie!


My time with Sue has been a time of learning, clearing out, and planning a way forward. I have learnt how powerful  the human mind can be and how destructive it can be too.

I have managed to see the wood from the trees and am leaving with direction and knowledge of the next steps forward.


Watter voorreg is dit om leiding vanaf iemand te kry wie se waardes reg is en die geduld het om ander se probleme op te los. Baie dankie vir die professionele leiding.

Ek is opgewonde om ‘n ander en beter mens te wees en kon dit nie alleen doen nie.

Are you ready to Transform your Life?

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09:00 am – 06:00 pm

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Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa


+27 83 305 0330