What is EFT?

This is a powerful stress and pain release technique that is used to remove blockages in the nervous system and activate the body’s energy system. It is based on a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.  The technique is also known as psychological acupuncture or tapping.

EFT has proven to reduce cortisol – the ‘stress hormone’. Due to the increase of stress and its detrimental impact on health, it is aptly referred to as: “The curse of the 21st Century.”

What is EFT good for?

  • Sleep problems
  • Body Aches – chronic pain
  • Motivation (Procrastination)
  • Stomach Issues
  • Weight Problems
  • Lowered Immune System
  • Anxiety
  • And many more …

By allowing negative emotions to be and to ‘move through’, we gift ourselves the opportunity to release and delete the effect of the emotion from our etheric body. When we resist the effect of an emotion, we enhance the problem which causes it to be repressed and we then create the issues mentioned above.

Does EFT work?

In 2009 in a study using EFT and PMR (Progressive Muscular Relaxation) 312 high school students enrolled at a private academy were evaluated. 70 students showed high levels of test anxiety. The EFT students showed a significant decrease compared to the PMR students.


In 2013 a study was done on war veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  There was a 90% decrease in PTSD symptoms after 6 weeks of using EFT treatment., the result showed that the outcome was maintained in re-tests conducted after 3 to 6 months.


A research study conducted to determine the effectiveness of EFT when applied for 10 minutes was done in 2004. 76% of the experimental group were judged to be symptom-free. “…evidence is accumulating that energy-based psychotherapy, which involves stimulating acupuncture points or other energy systems while bringing troubling emotions or situations to mind, is more effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders than the current standard of care, which utilizes a combination of medication and cognitive behaviour therapy.”


How and why does EFT work?

What to do when you experience negative emotions?

  1. Acknowledge and allow the negative emotion to be there. This can be any of our ‘so-called’ negative emotions: fear, anxiety, doubt, anger, shame, etc. Focus on the emotion. Do not buy into the stories associated with the emotion, stay neutral and focus only on the emotion and where you feel it in the body.
  2. We call stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, etc. negative emotions, simply because we do not like the stories attached to these emotions. The truth is that by working with these emotions we set ourselves free. We are set free from the bonds of the past that hold us captive. When we cling to the negative events of the past, it becomes our future. Remember we are very good at avoidance tactics when we face negative emotions.
  3. When fear is triggered, the Amygdala triggers our survival response, and we go into a state of Fight-Flight-Freeze. Our brain signals the sympathetic nervous system to kick into action while we search for solutions to help us survive the danger. This activates stress, anxiety, doubt, etc. You might start to hyperventilate. In a time of real danger, the Amygdala is of vital importance, but it does however not only get activated in such circumstances. Problems arise when we activate our fight/flight/freeze response due to our way of thinking…when there is no impending danger but we think so.

How EFT is done

Using your fingertips –  4 fingers for some points and 2 for others, you tap 5 to 7 times on 9 different energy meridian points on the body. Tapping these points sends a calming message to the brain that it is safe to relax and breathe. It sort of gives the mind time to catch up to the Amygdala’s response allowing you to override the automated nervous response.

The result is a return to a balanced life and a reduced level of stress.

Setup Statement / Affirmation

We have stressed that you need to allow the emotion to be there, to feel it, and identify where in the body you feel it.

As stated, it is important to recognize the emotion. Following that recognition, you need to instruct your subconscious mind on what you want to replace the feeling with. This will be in the form of statements or affirmations. Remember that shorter statements are always more powerful and effective than long, drawn-out statements/affirmations.

Here are a few examples:

  • Even though I have this headache, I allow myself to feel vibrantly healthy.
  • Even though I experience stress, I allow myself to be relaxed.
  • Even though I feel fear, I allow myself to trust the process and to be calm.
  • Even though I experience financial anxiety, I allow myself to remain clear-headed and find solutions calmly.
  • Even though I find myself enraged, I give my body permission to relax and be calm.
  • Even though I feel this pain in my back, I allow myself to heal and feel vibrantly healthy.

The 9 different EFT Points: (See drawings 1 and 2 below)

  1. Karate Chop Point. On the outer edge of the little finger side of your hand.
  2. Eyebrow Point. Where the eyebrow starts at the nearest point to the nose.
  3. Side of the eye Point. Directly on the side to the outer edge of the eye, near the temple.
  4. Under the eye Point. On the bone beneath the eye at the ‘halfway’ point.
  5. Under the nose Point. On the point halfway between the tip of the nose and the upper lip.
  6. Chin Point. I the hollow underneath the lower lip on the chin.
  7. Collarbone Point. On the collarbone, where they meet, go down about 2.5cm and away from the centre about 2.5cm
  8. Underarm Point. Roughly four fingers from the pit of your arm.
  9. Crown Point. Directly on the crown of your head.

Do it yourself:

  1. Focus on your problem, rate it on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 being very low and 10 being acute)
  2. Use the tips of four fingers on your one hand. (From index to the little finger)
  3. Always start with the karate chop point.
  4. Take a deep breath and start and repeat your setup statement or affirmation out loud while tapping on the point 5 to 7 times.
  5. Breathe out.
  6. Now continue tapping on each of the remaining points, using the tips of your index and middle fingers and repeating your Setup Statement or Affirmation – tap 5 to 7 times on each point. Complete each point with an out-breath. Tap the points lightly.
  7. Now focus on your original problem again – rate the initial problem on your scale of 1 – 10 again.
  8. If the intensity of your problem is higher than 2 or 3 out of 10, do another round of tapping.
  9. Re-evaluate and score again.
  10. Continue until the problem (the negative emotion, pain or whatever you are working on) is released completely.
  11. Should you find that you reach a point where you feel stuck, acknowledge and show gratitude for the work already done and continue. Example: “Even though I have remaining anger, I give my body permission to relax and to be calm .”
  12. You may choose to do the tapping tap on one side of the body or both sides at the same time.

Installing Positive Affirmations

Once you have eliminated the problem, you have the opportunity to replace any old limiting belief with a new empowering belief to help you form a new habit.


  • I have faith in my ability to heal.
  • I am relaxed.
  • I accept myself completely.
  • I am vibrantly healthy and enjoy exercise.
  • I have a calm attitude in stressful situations.

Use your imagination for creating positive affirmations that resonate with you!

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any information regarding this technique.

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